Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mid-Life Crisis

I can't believe I am going to turn 42 tomorrow. It really is true that the older you get, the faster time goes by. I really would have thought I would be farther ahead or have accomplished more at this point in my life. Maybe I should just go out and buy a sports car...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Made In America

Is nothing made in America anymore? The laptop on which I am typing was made in China. I have clothes that were made in Mexico, Haiti, Honduras, Vietnam, etc. At least my Ford Escape was made in America. I appreciate the fact we are in a global econormy, but I just don't understand why we have to ship all of our manufacturing jobs overseas. I know the answer is because it is cheaper, but don't you get what you pay for?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Political Correctness

I do not ever remember anyone calling me a European American or a Caucasian American, so why are black people always referred to as African Americans? What if they are from Haiti? After how many generations of being born in America, can we all just be called Americans without some other country of origin being placed first? I understand that some people came to this country because they wanted to and some were brought here against there will. I just think that at some point we are all just Americans.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

health insurance reform

I just don't understand why everyone is talking about health care reform when it is the insurance and not the care that is the problem. First of all, what is a pre-existing condition? Isn't breathing a pre-existing condition since I have been breathing since way before I ever tried to file a medical insurance claim? All I know is it annoys me when I go to the doctor's office and pay an insurance co-pay and then get another bill for the same visit in the mail because the insurance company didn't pick up the rest of the tab after all. I'm not saying I have the answer to the problem, but I am saying there is a problem and it needs to be fixed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

That's Not My Job

There's nothing that makes me cringe more in the workplace than hearing a coworker say, "That's not my job." Do we not work for the same employer and serve the same customers? Then anything that is a benefit to either the company or its customers is your job. If you are too busy to take on a task, then just say so. If you have the time, but not the desire, then get out of my way while I do what we were hired to do.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gun Control

Debra Medina, who is currently running for Governor of Texas, says on her website, "Private property and gun ownership are essential elements of freedom." I don't have a problem with the first part of that statement, but I do have a problem with the second part. I believe the U.S. Constitution gives a well-regulated militia the right to keep and bear arms. I don't think it says the Average Joe Six Pack or Billy Joe Bob Redneck has that right. I believe in gun control and self control. Guns are made for one purpose only, and that purpose is to kill. If you want to keep and bear arms and shoot at people, I suggest you join law enforcement or the military.